Thursday, October 13, 2005

Gale Lipte Hain Woh Bijli Ke Dar Se...

... Ilahee Yeh Ghata Do Din To Barse. (NFAK)

  • Regarding Emad's comment to my last blog. I think he's right. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is the best South Asian musician to ever live. I thought maybe Lata would rank up there, but Nusrat was much, much more than a singer and his music crossed many language barriers.
  • Unfortunately I don't know much about Ravi Sharkar so I can't really comment about him. All I know is that Shankar puts me to sleep and Nusrat pumps me up. Ravi Shankar has won many Grammy's and this quote about him is impressive: "Ravi Shankar is the Godfather of World Music"- George Harrison.
  • Also, I know Nusrat was overweight most of his life but I still wonder how much his passionate live concerts contributed to his early death. I've seen concert videos of him where he'd almost be in a trance for hours. He'd be exhausted yet he'd never ease up. If you've never seen Nusrat live in concert I highly recommend you go rent a movie or DVD of it. He's so overpowering it's unbelievable.
  • Regarding Gagan's comment to my last blog....No comment.
  • Another note to non-punjabi desis. Often the 'z' sound in punjabi is pronounced as a 'j'. For instance, 'zaada' = 'jaada' and 'sabzi' = 'sabji'. There's a reason I'm telling you this, have patience.
  • Some Favorites....Gum - Dentyne Fire. Shoe Brand - Nike. Sport to play - Basketball. Clothing brand - Polo (not Chaps!). Cereal - Raisin Bran (although at around 1 o'clock it doesn't feel all that great, if ya know what I mean). Snack food - Cold grapes or roasted almonds. Sabji - khumba (mushrooms). Soap - Irish Spring (The scent of it kick starts my mornings). Deoderent - Old Spice. Sport to watch - Football (the oval ball one ;) ). NHL Team - Montreal Canadians. Ice Cream flavor: French crisp (Laura Secord). Raptor player (all-time): Antonio Davis. Candy/Chocolate - Small Red Lintdor ball-thingy.
  • Okay, maybe you didn't need to know all that. Oh well.
  • Jazzy B is an idiot!! He can sing but he needs to take some medication for his "waving his stiff arms in the air and always looking constipated" condition.
  • Another pet peave: People wasting food. Throwing out half of a sandwich because they're full. WTF? The worst is when people are wasting Langar in the Gurdwara. I can't understand it! Even adults do it! What a shame.
  • Why do punjabi movies always star punjabi singers?
  • AWESOME (although many words were too so-fist-tick-eight-ted for me) article on Amitabh Bachchan and his role in Bollywood. BTW, is the critics name a joke?


At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jazzy B is an idiot!! He can sing but he needs to take some medication for his "waving his stiff arms in the air and always looking constipated" condition"


At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does paying for food justify wasting it?


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