Saturday, September 24, 2005

A History of 'Kalegi'

  • I'm still uncomfortable with my current academic experience being called an 'undergraduate'. Like what the hell!! This is way too much work to be called 'under'-anything.
  • I really badly want to watch 'A History of Violence'. But too bad all movies have to wait until December break now :( . Thankfully that's about when 'Family' comes out :) .
  • I know I can't express fully in words how awesome and powerful I think Amitabh's performance was in 'Virrudh', and for the time being I won't attempt to either. But just to scratch the surface, I definitely rank it in his top 4 or 5 best career performances. Watch it! The movie is great also.
  • I really hate Brampton Transit!! Unreliable, bad timings. In this sense, I'm envious of Mississauga-ers.
  • I cooked 'kalegi' (chicken liver) the other day for the first time...It turned out great. Way to go Ranu! **pats himself on the back**
  • Damn, I actually did that not realizing that I'm sitting in a computer lab full of people. Now I'm going to have to do it a few more times so that people think that's just how I stretch. Ok, maybe not.
  • Shit! Now everyone thinks I'm physically handicapped.
  • Looks like I am going to have to buy a damn parking pass after all.
  • I can't imagine how tough it must be to try to raise a family in a 'foreign'/new country. Props to most of our parents for this.
  • Note to amateur sports organizations and professional sports leagues: If you really don't want your athletes to use steroids and really want to get rid of all the negative publicity it creates then make the violation punishment a lifetime suspension from the league!!
  • TV shows that ruled my childhood: Thundercats, Three's Company, Seseme Street, Care Bears, Price is Right, That's Incredible, and Paki Dot Door.
  • The NHL might actually win me back as an avid fan. But there are still way too many regular season games. Cut back on them a bit and make each one more meaningful.
  • The NFL just rocks.
  • A few fun things I'd love to experience/accomplish before I'm 30: Write and publish a book, run a marathon, coach a kids sports team (most probably soccer, but I'd love to coach a football team), visit Punjab while my grandparents are there, benchpress 250 lbs, travel through India (not just Punjab), graduate (hehe), play basketball in an organized league, and last but certainly not least, meet and get a pic taken with Amitabh.


At 11:59 AM, Blogger ejunooni said...

get married b4 ur 30


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